Displaying UMG widget on top of mesh

Simple question guys, how can I display a UMG widget on top of a static mesh instead of based on the screen?

For example I have a UMG widget that has an image of hand pointing at something, how can I make it so when I overlap it can display that image on the mesh?

Another concern would be that the icon would adjust to display properly from the player’s view angle, so it would look correct from more than 1 position.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

You can add a WidgetComponent in your Actor’s BP (Add Component-> Search for “Widget” )

Then in the Details panel search for WidgetClass and assign your UMG here.

You can treat your WidgetComponent just like any SceneComponent. So in your case you can apply SetVisibility and SetWorldRotation to the WidgetComponent.

Thank you, I understand how to implement it now at least though having some difficulties making the widget turn to the player’s (first person view) angle, I’ll try to figure it out.

A bit late so you’ve probably solved it by now, but for anyone with a similar problem you need to go to the widget component’s user interface panel and set the space to screen. The widget will then always face your screen.

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