Hitbox button doesn't work?

Hello guys :slight_smile:

So I got this two babies over here:

To my limited understanding, a click on the hitbox now should trigger the same event when I press the keyboard button. Am I missing something? (Chances are I do :slight_smile:

I named the hitboxes and on HitBoxClick I switch to the node based on the name of the clicked hitbox. Or ain’t I?

Hey there,

typin “showdebug hitbox” in the console will show you your hitboxes ingame at runtime.
With that you can check, if your hitboxes are placed on the right spot and if they have the right size.
If they are all in place, than make sure your controller has click events enabled.
If this i also true, than use the Blueprint graphs to debug your game.
First check if the Keyboard buttons work (the wire should go red/yellow/orange, or something like that.
If this works, try clicking a hitbox. If the wire from “event receive hit box click” lights up but nothing behind, than your Hitboxes have the wrong names.
The name needs to be exactly the same as the names in the Switch.

I hope you can find the error this this (:

Never mind, There was a typo in the buttons names :slight_smile: