Editor crashed,can't open project anymore


Editor crashed and can’t open it anymore.I was codding USpringArmComponent and suddenly it crashed.Project is pretty much new,not many things were added.[link text][1]

Crash Log:
[1]: 269935-coopgame.log (15.8 KB)

Can you still edit through Visual Studio? Undo your last change to your USpringArmComponent and recompile it.

If you can’t see your project files inside VS, close VS, go to your project’s folder, right click on .uproject file and “Generate Visual Studio project files”

I can edit through VS and i removed everything related to USpringArmComponent but i can’t really recompile it.Can’t see project files inside VS and “Generate Visual Studio project files” didn’t help with that(It started generating but project files didn’t appear in VS).

Close everything and try to do a complete project cleaning:

Go to Epic Launcher, verify the engine and wait. When done, try to create a new blank project, start it and play in editor, if everything works, it’s probably not the engine anymore. Close the engine editor.


Go to your project’s root folder. Cut and paste elsewhere the folders: .vs, Binaries, Build, Intermediate and Saved; Delete the .sln file.

Right click your project .uproject file and “Generate Visual Studio project files”.

Double click the newly generated .sln file and check if your project files shows as expected. Try to REcompile.