Shift + special character does not trigger right key event

I’m trying to get the keys a user presses on his keyboard.
For some reason I cannot get the ‘uppercase’ variants of special characters like these :"<>?.
As you can see in the image i’ve set up a simple test case.
I add the semicolon and colon key events to my blueprint. If i press the key with or without holding shift, it always triggers the semicolon event and never the colon event.

What could be causing this?

I think your in the wrong section. Try asking the folks in blueprints.

idk why the colon event doesn’t fire, but if you select the semicolon node then look at the details pane you can add the shift modifier for shift+semicolon events

Yes, but I would like my plugin to also work for non-qwerty keyboards. On other keyboard configurations the special characters can be matched differently. So a shift ‘semicolon’ would not always be a colon.

what you could do is to check if the semicolon and the shift button is pressed with a “and bool”. Like this