How to allow a Static mesh within my ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint to move with WASD!

This is the code!

I want to be able to move the dog that I have and make it so I no longer move the character when I have the camera to the dog active! I have made it so that the character can’t move, but how do I make it so that the Dog will move without the character moving! I don’t want to make a pawn for this. Moving the dog with WASD!

you’re probably better off making the dog a separate character. especially if you want the dog to follow the character around.
but you could try this, not sure if it will work. there are the attach/detach to component nodes. You basically want to keep moving around the same capsule component at the root just swap out what inherents it’s position.
So using the names from you’re bp, when you swap from the mesh to the dog you first detach(keep world) the mesh from the capsulecomponent then you move the capsulecomponent to the dog then you attach(keep relative) the dog.

Like IndieGameCove suggested, you should separate the dog as a different Character blueprint class, because the Character class includes functionality for moving, but only for one capsule component (which is the one that says ‘Inherited’ in parentesis), So there are many ways you can procede:

You can separate the dog as a different Character Blueprint Class Actor and attach it by code to the main character every time the player is not controlling it, to do this you should

  1. Duplicate your character’s blueprint
  2. Assign dog mesh in the skeletal mesh component
  3. Inside the main character blueprint you should get a reference of the Dog (you can do this by getting all instances of class at beginPlay and getting a reference of the first value in the array), you should also get a reference to the main character inside the dog’s blueprint just in case
  4. If you want the dog to follow the main character, then at beginPlay, attach the dog to the capsule component of the main character
  5. Every time you want to change controls from the character to the dog, you can use the nodes ‘Possess’ and ‘Unpossess’ while detaching the dog from the capsule component of the main character and attaching it every time you change controls to the main character


Or a less recommended way, you can do a switch of locations and parentings inside the blueprint every time you want to change the character you are controling, so to do this you should

  1. Detach the Skeletal Mesh of the main character from the capsule component
  2. Set the location of the capsule component as the same location of the dog (you may want to tweak offsets for the Z axis so the capsule doesnt collide with the floor)
  3. Then attach the Skeletal mesh of the dog to the capsule component
  4. Now you should be able to move your dog and the Main character will not move in the ground but may still play the animations of running, for that you will have to create a boolean variable in the blueprint and feed it to the AnimationBlueprint to disable all animations for moving every time the player is not controlling the main character
  5. You may also want to do the 4th step for the dog, depending on what are your needs for your game

This is a less recommended method because you cannot add any kind of AI movement to your character while you are controling your dog, so your main character will be completely still where he was at the moment of the change of controls