Huge fps drop in some angles with movable lights

Hello! I’m having problems with my movable light. When I focus on a specific point on the map, a large drop in fps is caused as can be seen in the video. This stops happening if I change the angle of the light, but I need that particular angle. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you!

I forgot to put the video: - YouTube

I see your frame rate drop while you are rotating, before you move the light.

As a rule of thumb, when the fps drops, the thing causing the problem is in the viewport.

Try removing things ( I can only see land and rocks ) and your fps will be constant, no matter where you put the light.

Once you know what’s causing the problem, you can optimize it…

Hello, thanks for answering. I thought the same thing, but when I remove all the elements from the map, I still have the same drop of fps … right now on the map there is only the landscape, the sky sphere and the directional light. I do not understand what the problem may be …