Square Spotlight?

I’ve made a simple projector in UE4.
The only thing is the spotlights display the image as a circle. Anyway i can make the lights display it as a square/rectangle?
I’m pretty sure i can do it with IES Textures, but i’m not too sure how they work.


Did you find an answer to this?

This maybe?


tried this, but it’s not working the same as the spot light.
Not sure how you made it project color either. I don’t want to set up 3 separate lights.

Did you even look at it… tweaking required!

For something more elaborate, look into light functions.

light functions are only showing black and white image for me. I don’t want to have to have 3 separate lights split into rgb to do this.

I don’t want to have to have 3
separate lights split into rgb to do

Whut? What are you even talking about? Are you talking about the image? The original question is about the shape of the light… Not about making a projector!

Why not use a decal?

Image from Gyazo

Since decals use materials, the sky is the limit of how this looks and behaves. And you can tweak the light separately.