Client dont see what the server sees

Im working on a multiplayer game. I am using first person template.

I have changed the “MyProjectile” blueprint to add a radial explosion when the projectile hits something.

If I form the server shot on a destructable mesh it splits in pieces, just as expected. But on the client the mesh looks untouched.

If I try from client to shot the mesh it appears untouched, but if I switch to the server the mesh has been split to pieces.

If I from the client try to walk through a mesh that has been shot it will eventually split, but a nonshot mesh will not.
Adding a blueprint that removes the mesh when the function “OnComponentFraction” is called will remove the mesh on both client and server.

Any ideas what the problem is?

Destructable do not replicate over the network. The best you can do is apply the damage effect manually on all the clients. The exact destruction will not be exactly the same on all machines but there really is nothing you can do about that.