Create projectile spread patterns

How would I go about creating specific shotgun spread patterns? In terms of calculating the projectile spawn rotation. I know how to create a shotgun spread, but the rotations are all random. I want to be able to give it specific shapes like the spread patterns of the Peacekeeper from Apex Legends.

I don’t know where to start or what I’m exactly looking for in terms of math. Any tips in terms of where I should be looking would be appreciated.

This is my current code:

for (int projectile = 0; projectile < IShotgunEnergyAmount; projectile++)
						FTransform NewSPawnRotation(SpawnRotation);
						NewSPawnRotation.ConcatenateRotation(FRotator(FMath::FRandRange(-0.1f, 0.1f) * (FShotgunEnergySpread), (FMath::FRandRange(-0.1f, 0.1f) * (FShotgunEnergySpread)), 0).Quaternion());

						AWeaponSystemProjectile* p = World->SpawnActor<AWeaponSystemProjectile>(ProjectileClass, SpawnPoint, NewSPawnRotation.Rotator(), ActorSpawnParams);

I can’t wrap my head around on how I would go away from the random spread and move towards a set pattern. Here are some examples of patterns taken from Apex Legends:

I’ve been thinking about how to approach this. I dunno if this would make any sense, but here are my thoughts on how I could code the first spread:

for( int p = 0, p < a, p++)
       if( p = 0)

Is there a more elegant way of doing this?