How to make my view go to target normally ?

I need to make my view go to the target position on the red path. There are 2 plans of mine :1 use set view target with blend,
but I may need use more than 3 cameras(like camera A & B) to do this. If I want to change my view for more times, it’s Catastrophic to find that there may be 50 cameras or more.
2 use sequence, it’s Convenience to go to the target position without tens of cameras. However, when the sequence is over, my view comes back to the start position’s view.

And there’s a problem for using set view target with blend. Look at the picture below.
For the method using sequence, even when I set my character’s transform after the sequence is over, the view changes suddenly also. cause sequence and character use different kinds of camera.

You can use only one camera for all this and simply move it around with a timeline. Rather than placing cameras everywhere, store the transforms you want the camera to travel to (or use your target’s position/orientation). Feed the timeline with that data and have it move the camera.

If you need something more advanced, you could script a spline system that dynamically places points around the corners and/or avoids obstacles. When connected, these points create a naturally flowing (spline) path whose position and orientation you use to slide the camera along.

This has the added benefit of having a huge amount of granular control, including the ability to interrupt the camera movement organically - something that Set View Target with Blend does not provide, since it’s a fire & forget solution that’s not even aware of its own interpolation.

But spline can only control the
movement of my character position, but
it has little effect on rotation

You must be getting close. This is because the pawn still controls the camera boom’s rotation and most likely simply overrides it. Consider switching it off for the duration of camera transition. Camera Boom → Use Pawn Control Rotation {F}

I’m really glad to receive your response. I am trying to tell you that I have used a spline. But spline can only control the movement of my character position, but it has little effect on rotation. Below are the expected results and actual results. And the blueprint I use. Now I’m studying the spline part of the content example, later I may go to youtube to get some Tutorial.



The pawn which I use based on a default pawn doesn’t carry a camera. So I added one yesterday, and “Use Pawn Control Rotation” is off originally. On the other hand, I print the rotation when my pawn transfers, I think it may be the key to fix it.