How to move to parent folder in content browser

Everytime I move in content browser and i can’t to go back (like in windows explorer), i use the backspace key, and it says “delete this folder ?”.

Why isn’t this working like all the content browser ?

  • delete key : delete
  • backspace : move back

So is it possible to go to parent/previous folder ?

you can override the default shortcut in project settings though. I never noticed this problem as I use a mouse with the back/forth functionality on the scroll wheel…

This is frustrating indeed. Did you find any solution or shortcut that goes back and forward?

Right it is functionning with the mouse key :), didn’t knew that, this is at least very practical ! How do you override this shortcut with project settings ? Went there but didn’t found the thing to override ^^

Thank you, mouse buttons worked out very well.

Very first tip shows an example.

Very first tip shows an example.