Exploding Box BP damages player then stops?

So I have a simple Exploding Cylinder/Box BP and it damages the player within a certain range but I noticed if I walk into it then it stops after the first time.

How can I correct it so that the player can’t walk through it but can jump over it without breaking the detection explosion area and destroy it after the player gets hit?

Am I doing this the right way or is there a better way?

So you want to make it so that the player, once it triggers the trap, takes damage as long as they remain within range, but when they move out of range it will be destroyed?

Yes, was following a tutorial I found on youtube to create that but I noticed it will stop exploding if the player gets hit the first time and basically its for a simple game project I am using to learn stuff with so yeah I wanted to try to just keep it fun and simple.

Hang on I’ll make you a blueprint you can follow.

Here you go:

This will deal damage to the player as long as it remains in range and it checks itself for that variable before doing anything. You don’t need to loop anything with your execution pins, I suspect that might be part of your problem. Just add a delay and repeat the same event. You’d put all your damage-dealing things in the DamageFunction, including emitters and whatnot.

If you want the trap or whatever it is to stop functioning after the player has been hurt by it and leaves its sphere of influence, just add a “Destroy Actor” node to the end overlap event.

Actually looking back this might now be exactly what you’re looking for… Incidentally I just posted a video highlighting some shadow problems I have and I have a bomb going off there in case that’s what you want, ie a single explosion, no periodic damage.

Check it out here (bomb explodes at around 9 seconds in):

If a single damage event is what you want then you’d just destroy the actor after it deals damage and spawns its emitter.

Ahh, I think I get it now, thanks so much! Yeah this is exactly what I need.