image are not displayed on button UI and image UI


i’m not sure if it’s a bug or if i do or miss something
the fact is that i just set images on UI button and also tested to display the same on image, but as result i simply have a black color wich can be modified with opacity…
that’s all falks.

maybe there are some rules to respect on the settings ?

What could be happening here is that you’re inheriting tint from the root element whose alpha is set to 0. Select the widget root and you’ll find Foreground Color - a violently pink hue as default. Make sure its alpha is set to 1.

Or simply untick Inherit Tint. Did it help?

thanks, i fund,
that was the background color of this button who was set to black and 0.5 opacity

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Had the same problem.
You can solve it as follows:

You need to convert textures to material first.
Then change the material property: “Material Domain” to “Interface”
Plug in the RGB output of “Texture Sample” node into “Final Color”.
Adjust the BlendMode property of Material as needed e.g. Translucent if your image has a transparency and plugin the alpha output from Texture Sample node to Opacity.