Putting a texture sample on top of another in a material?


Is there any way I can put a texture sample plainly on top of another in a material?

Asking because of destructibles and fractured chunks. As the chunks fracture the edges take on textures from outside my painted texture maps, which means the chunks get checkerboarded in some places. If I had Photoshop I’d fix this by putting a layer underneath with a full-image fill of the textures I need. But I’m wondering if this could be done directly in UE4?

I am not looking to lerp them together or using layered materials as such, it’s just putting my detailed texture sample specifically created for the meshes UV map on top of a fill image to prevent the chunk edges from going checkerboard.

i dont know about all that but there are options to add a material to where the breaks are. so instead of it being the default material it will be a material that you choose. to get to the options mentioned you will have to open the destructable mesh and look around a bit in the details panel, i dont have the editor open atm so i cant tell you the specifics.

Edit: just opened the editor and the option to change is in the skeletal mesh section of the destructable settings tab. it will be the last material on the list and will be a dropdown with a number as the title.

Aha. Well that’d be a lot easier as it would be completely uniform instead of a cheap trick to hide checkerboard. Didn’t think to google that as thought it wasn’t possible…

Do you perchance happen to know why I am getting these weird cycling shadows on broken meshes? I’ve explained the problem and shown a video here:

If you meant the second material slot, that is for the chunks themselves yes at depth 1. Always apply that to get a material on the destroyed chunks. That’s the not the issue though.

Here’s a screenshot:

As you can see certain areas of the chunks are uncolored, because the texture map for the object looks like this:

So the material does not contain a fully covered texture image. This is done to prevent visible seams where the UVs are cut, which is what happens if you apply a material with a uniform texture image.

So what I need is to disguise this. It doesn’t need to be perfect as the color variations will not be noticeable to the player. Now ideally I’d just make a full background and add it as a background layer by using photoshop. That way the UV seams would be eliminated and I would also not have these uncolored sections on the chunk edges. I do not have photoshop though so I need an alternate method.

My idea was just adding another texture image and putting the original on top of it, having the blend decided by the gray color (I can make it black or white or any color really), so that the background texture image is used in the gray areas, whereas the original texture image is used for the parts that are not gray, ie the texture map specific to the object.

I also have a rgba version of the texture with no background, like so:

I suppose using this would simplify what I am trying to accomplish here.

Nevermind this, I figured it out. Since I have those targa versions of the texture image I can use that to color in the uncolored areas by lerping with the alpha of the original texture sample. I had tried this before but didn’t test reversing A and B nodes. Works perfectly now.