Cannot disable VSync in Editor (vulkan mode)

Hello! When I start UE4 editor in OpenGL4 mode (UE4Editor -opengl4) I get 120 FPS but when I start it in Vulkan mode (UE4Editor w/o any additional parameters) my FPS gets locked on 75.

Tried inputting these console commands, got no result:
t.MaxFPS 150;
r.VSync 0;
r.VSyncEditor 0.

Distro: Pop!_OS 18.10 (Ubuntu 18.10 derivative);
NVIDIA drivers: 418.43.

Pass -vulkanpresentmode=0 when starting the editor. This will force VulkanRHI to use VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR.

Thank you, it works! Even though fps in editor in Vulkan mode is significantly lower than in OpenGL4.

Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. Even on the default template projects Vulkan is maxing out at ~76 fps vs 120 fps in OpenGL.