Ray/Sweep fails only when spawning from PlayerStart

I have a Pawn which can spawn from a player start, this pawn performs a standard sweep which I will paste below. This sweep happens every tick and the hit results are used for further code. My problem is that the sweep does not return a hit, but this is only when run from PlayerStart/Play From Here. placing the same pawn around the scene and simulating or even running the game will return a hit, oddly when I eject from the pawn and just click it at runtime will work, I can then repossess the pawn and carry on as normal.

This is very irritating as I have no clue what could possibly be missing when a player start is involved. I am assuming the problem is related to something I am not aware of with how the engine sets up a player start. I may be missing something simple, so I apologize if the question is answered elsewhere (I have not found help in the docs).

(edit) forgot to add in the sweep snippet

	bool Hit = GetWorld()->SweepSingleByObjectType(
		_transform.GetTranslation() + Direction * Distance,
		FQuat(1, 0, 0, 1),