How to animate a group of objects for a certain period of time?

I want to have a group of object move across the a certain axis for a set amount of time and to then stop and disappear at another time. I have watched tutorials on rotating objects through timelines. I have also seen tutorials on setting up objects to move along a spline, but I want to have greater control over the timing of this movement this is the tutorial I followed(link). I have tried finding information on the various parameters that would allow this control, but I seem to be missing it. Any guidance on this subject and/or direction to a specific resource addressing this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

You can also try using a sequencer to animate your objects like video #8 in the link below:

This will give you a ton of control over all kinds of things including transforms.

Thank you! I thought there must be a way to do this and the video you linked to explained it perfectly!