[BUG] Landscape Shadow casting issue

I imported a Landscape (*.r16) into Rocket. Added the usual stuffs like Directional Light Stationary, Lightmass importance volume, Post Process Volume etc and build the lighting. But Landscape wont cast the shadow on itself. I have attached a screenshot that better shows the problem.

As you can see the sun is behind the little mountain but the shadows are not casting.

Hi Satheesh,

Thank you for your report. Could you please provide me this map? I am attempting to reproduce the issue, but not having much luck. How many light sources do you have in total? Any additional information could help with this investigation.



Hi Alexander,

I have attached the r16 file. I only have one light source + Atmospheric fog in this map.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Import the r16 file in Landscape.
  2. Change the Z scale to 128. Leave the rest to default.
  3. Add Directional Stationary Light. (Light Rotation: X=0.0, Y=350.600037, Z=0.0)
  4. Add Atmospheric Fog.
  5. Enable “Use as Atmospheric Sun Light” in Stationary Light.
  6. Cover the whole landscape inside Lightmass Importance Volume.
  7. Rebuild the lighting.

Thats all. These were the exact same steps i did.

I am getting a little help from a specialist to work on this. I can reproduce the issue now with your asset, but we are still narrowing down the cause. Thank you for you report.


Thanks Alex.

Same resul but when i was reading this question i selected the landscape and disabled cast shadow build in swarm jumped from 400mb to like 35mb and the result is this :smiley: lol its good to do it like this? dont know but works and bild light in seconds not 30 min 10min ecc. :smiley:

P.S. I use in level:

-Atmosferic Fog (Standard Setup- changed Distance/Density Offset 2 and 0.25)
-Exponetial HightFog (Standard Setup- changed Density 0.003 and Start Distance 5000)
-Directional Light (Intesity 10 , Atmo Sun Light ON , Light Shafts and LOD to HIGH)
-SkyLight (Standard)
-Post Process Volume
-Lightmass Imp volume
-Sphere Reflect Capture

Cast Shadow on LandScape (ON) even with Static Light Res Set to 10 (Sun/Sky Light’s Cast Shadow ON)-BulidTime(LONG-400MB): [link text][2]

Cast Shadow on LandScape (OFF) even with Static Light Res Set to 1 Default (Sun/Sky Light’s Cast Shadow ON)-BulidTime(SHORT-35MB): [link text][3]

Got the point ? :smiley: turning off landscape cast shadow seems to me that is much much better because i have a 35 MB map in swarm that builds light in 10 seconds and it has shadow casted by my sun and my skylight :smiley: no need of over kill 400 mb map casted landscape shadows builded in 45 min. but if i’m wrong you can still go this way till they fix it :stuck_out_tongue: Hope I’d helped. cya

Here use my personal free desktop background :D:D:D [link text][4]