How to make custom event fire in all copies of blueprint?

So I have “Get all actors of class” → “Get (a copy)” → Custom event,

In the target pawn blueprint (It’s an AI enemy) I have custom event → print string ‘hello’

Now I have many copies of this pawn blueprint in my level, but the ‘hello’ only prints once from one of them.

How do I make it so that all of the copies will print string hello?

I’ll clarify further if something was unclear, thanks in advance.

Thanks! It worked perfectly :slight_smile:

You have to do a ForEachLoop and use the Get All Actors of Class node as the Array. The ForEachLoop will run for as many times as there is a valid actor (spawned in map) to loop through.

No problem! You want to be careful with for each loops tho! If you use a magnitude of ForEachLoops on Event Ticks or even Event Begins, you can cause Lag or even game crashes. Use them sparingly.