how do i make the origin of my text in the center of it?

The origin of my text is in the bottom left of the text. How do I make it in the center?

What method of drawing the text are you using?

The thing that always works in all APIs, is to measure the text (width, height) and add (-width/2, -height/2) to the position of the text when you draw/add it.

Certain APIs may also have functions/properties that let you change the relative origin, but to know whether this is the case, we need to know which kind of text/component/API you’re using. (Slate, Blueprint nodes, HTML GUI plugin, etc)

BP nodes in the HUD

use the blueprint node GetTextSize()
then follow jwatte’s advice because it is correct.
newPositionToDrawAlignedTextAt = X + (W0.5), Y + (H0.5)

Do you use a “TextRender” to display the text? If so you can set it’s align in the properties or via a node if you spawn it in later on.