How can I customize the Expandable Area arrow location

So I’m just giving it a try. Nice functionality, but if the only place I can have the button to expand it is stuck in front like that, a lot less useful. I’m looking to either customize where it shows up, or get rid of the default one entirely and put in a button of my own that does the same thing, whichever lets me put it where I want it.

I had started by trying to make the menu bar I wanted the button in a child of Header. By using an overlay to hold said bar and the expandable area, I was able to just use padding to move the header around. Marking solved and leaving for posterity’s dubious benefit :slight_smile:

One other solution that worked for me. Set the default arrows (Collapsed and Expanded Image) found in the style section of the expandable area to an image size of 0 to hide them. Then add a horizonal box under the Expandable Area > Header. You can then put an image in the horizonal box and customize it as needed.