How can I see in the dark?

Hi. I’m making a horror game where all is happening in the night, so if you look outside the window you can see the stars and the moon. The problem is inside the house where I don’t have any point/spot lights. How can I increase the intensity inside the house so I can see where I’m walking. Right now I can’t see anything, because for example in one room I have only one point light in a corner. In the other corner I can’t see nothing. Please help.
Thank you!

One idea - Attach a very weak point light with small radius to your character/camera.

Also see

PostProcess AmbientCubemap

Hi. Thank you for your answer. I’ve tried with point light but the game is for mobiles and the performance is not good at all. I have fps drops.
I’ve also used ambientcubemap but on my mobile device doesn’t work.
How can I do something like in this game ? Eyes: The Horror Game - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Mansion: Krasue (iOS, Android) - YouTube
As far as you go from an object, you can’t see it anymore.
Thank you

That looks like a point light attached to character.

Using a single point light should not cause a performance problem - perhaps something else is causing the performance issue…

~ stat unit to determine whether gpu or cpu bound.
Also - depending on your level - culling (occlusion, distance based, etc) can help immensely.

Thank you! I’ll try again and see what is the problem. I’ve also noticed that when I first enter the game fps is dropping, but after I close the game and enter the game again it works without any problems.