Level won't open from main menu?

None of my levels will open on main menu widget.
Have (on clicked) - (open level) - (remove from parent) on my buttons.


Please help me out if you can.

first ensure that the on click is working by putting in a print string. then ensure that the level names are correct, including spelling, spaces, and case. also the remove from parent shouldnt be needed as the widget will be destroyed between levels.

OpenLevel seems have some bug. It even crashes Editor sometimes. As for me, I was forced to use everything with Level Streaming. Check out the issues : https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/768725/419-crashes-when-opening-level.html?sort=oldest

It wont open level if I lunch. Dosent matter what project, even if theres nothing on it. It just wont open level. Added print string. Clicks working. Still wont open. Everything is as should be. Tried remving parent. Ego im on ver 4.21.1

UPDATE: I moved maps out of my “Maps” folder and into content and now its working? I noticed output log.

LogPlayLevel: Warning: [2019.03.23-04.31.50:565][301]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [InvalidURL]: Invalid URL: /Game/Maps/MainMenu
LogPlayLevel: Warning: [2019.03.23-04.31.50:565][301]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: Invalid URL: /Game/Maps/MainMenu