First Person Camera Behaviour Suddenly broken


I’ve been making a game using the default FPS blue print character. I added lots to it including a pickup object system for my inventory. Anyway I was building a level and played around in it for a bit. Then after a while tried my pickup system. It didn’t work. It should have been a line trace from my player camera straight to the item I was facing. To check I made the engine draw my line traces. It appeared my line traces where coming from above my head. And also they only seemed to take the cameras sideways direction into account not how high or low the camera happened to be.

So somehow I’m seeing the game from my characters knee height and line traces from the camera are half broken. Weird thing is I haven’t touched anything to do with my player. Only thing I can think is that I did add a new camera to my level for a main menu. But I used blend with target to switch from that camera to the player camera. And I checked my level without a second camera and this weird glitch is happening there as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated