How do I get object-space vertices?

Hello there,just moved from Unity to Unreal and I love it so far,but I don’t know how to get the object-space vertices,I know how to get them in world-space but that doesn’t help much.Thank you for your time,I know it seems dumb but I can’t find it anywhere.
And also do you know some good books to get started with unreal materials?Beginer and advanced would help a lot.

Local Position node should give you that information, there also “TransformPosition” node which allows you to turn any position data to any space you want.

As for guide i can explain a bit of difference between the engines. UE4 material are littlery shaders, the node network you making generates HLSL code (you can even view output with Windows->Shader Code->HLSL Code) which is later injected to the rest of engine HLSL code base. So all functions you know from HLSL should have there node in material and extra function form the engine, here oyu have material refrence which explains what each node does:

But unlike Unity you can’t create shader from scrach, you can only alter engine shader code, in similar fashion as surface shader in Unity, vertex and geometry shader manipulation is also limited to just Telessation Multiplier and World Displacement.

Also there many shading models and shader types, you can find it in property editor if none of the nodes is selected.

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I want to thank you for your explanation,I knew that something was ‘Wrong’ :slight_smile: that I created directly in material the shader,and I think that is amazing.Thank you so much again for clarifying this,can’t wait to write,scratch that ‘node’ more shaders :). Much love and peace and an amazing day to you sir!!!