How to get absolute path of plugin's non-asset files on Android

I’m working on a making plugin with third party library.
The library requires a license file’s absolute path using original file extension (like .xy but it’s just xml format file)

  ┗ Plugins/
    ┗ ThirdPartyPlugin/
      ┗ Assets/
        ┗ license.xy

I added ../Plugins/ThirdPartyPlugin/Assets to
Project> Packaging> [Additional Non-Assets Directories to Package]

On iOS, This codes in plugin works fine:

FString FullPath = IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*FPaths::ProjectPluginsDir());
FString filePath = FullPath + FString("ThirdPartyPlugin/Assets/license.xy");

However, on Android, the filePath won’t be absolute path. This will be "../../../MyUEProject/Plugins/"
I googled and tried codes below:

extern FString GFilePathBase;
FString androidFullPath = GFilePathBase + FString("/UE4Game/") + FApp::GetGameName() + "/" + FApp::GetGameName() +FString("/ThirdPartyPlugin/Assets/license.xy");

androidFullPath will be:

But licence.xy file isn’t there.

How to add non-asset files for a custom plugin?
And how to get absolute path of plugin’s non-asset files on Android?

There FPaths class which have function returning paths to variues things:

I changed how to manage assets for plugin: