Is there a way to detect "Moving forward key" pressed?

Hi experts,

I’m working on double-tap dodging and so far has been successful. However there is one major problem: all double tapping are locked on WSAD so it doesn’t work if the player changes the key binding.

Here is the blueprint for W key:


I tried to use Input Event but all input events are fired every frame so I have no idea how to use it properly. I’m wondering if there is away to detect say “Moving forward key” pressed instead of “W key” pressed.

Thanks in advance!

Sorry the link seems to be broken, here is a new one:



if you use axis mapping you could use set members in InputAxisKeyMapping to set the forward key and also to promote the key as Variable, so you can use the “was input key just pressed” or “is input key down” node to check if the key is the forward key.

when you got an action mapping input there is a Key pin below it. You could promote the pin to a variable and use a “was input key just pressed” or “is input key down” node to check if the key is the forward key.
