Runuat with i18n

Hi Guys!

I have a small problem with runuat command. For our small project, we created a Jenkins pipeline to build and deploy game.
Everything works great until we’ve added i18n. When we package game from UnrealEngine4 Editor, we are able to change language (and text is changed). But when I build the project by Jenkins, the localized texts are missing :frowning:

Below I put a part of our pipeline.

    stage('Build') {
            bat label: '', script: '"' + path_to_ubuild_tool + '" -projectfiles -project="' + path_to_project + '\\' + game_name + '.uproject" -game -rocket -progress\''
    stage('Compile') {
            bat label: '', script: '"' + path_to_msbuild + '" "' + path_to_project + '\\' + game_name +'.sln" /t:build /p:Platform=Win64;verbosity=diagnostic'
    stage('CookProject') {
            bat label: '', script: '"' + path_to_uat +'" BuildCookRun -project="' + path_to_project + '\\' + game_name + '.uproject" -noP4 -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=' + client_config + ' -cook -CookCultures=en+pl-pl -prereqs -nodebuginfo -utf8output -allmaps -build -stage -pak -archive -nocompile -archivedirectory="' + path_to_output + '"'

Any help appreciated.