Using Time Remaining (Ratio) a second time on the same Animation

I have slightly modified the sample ThirdPerson_AnimBP file by attempting to add a double jump feature. I want the second jump to replay the ThirdPersonJump_Start animation from the start, so DoubleJumpStart and DoubleJumpLoop are duplicates of JumpStart and JumpLoop respectively. The edge from JumpStart to JumpLoop is a Time Remaining (Ratio) check for between 0.0 and 0.1 (exclusive bounds) and works fine, but when I do the same check to get from DoubleJumpStart to DoubleJumpLoop, it never returns true.

If I include 0.0 and just check for less than 0.1, it will interrupt the ThirdPersonJump_Start animation basically immediately, but without it, it just plays once and gets stuck in that state. What is different on the second playing of the ThirdPersonJump_Start animation that I need to account for? I have tried with and without Always Reset on Entry