Paper2D Collision

Hi guys, I’m having a problem with the collision system. I’m using the 2D Platformer Example that comes with the Engine, and tweaking a few things to get a feel for the engine. I’m trying to make a simples pixel art game, however the collision isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. I have a 32x32 tile with a box collider around it and the character 50x37, using a Capsule Component, the default of the engine. Instead of colliding when the character hits the box, it’s doing this: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

What could be the issue here?

EDIT 1: When I walk slowly towards the box, it collides correctly.

I don’t know if this is the solution but maybe it will help you.

(1) Go to the blueprint of your box.
(2) Scroll down to ‘collision’.
(3) set ‘can character step up on’ to ‘no’.

The box doesn’t have a blueprint, it’s just a regular sprite with a Box Collider.

The sprite has also a Collision.

(1) Click on the sprite in your world. (2) Right you see ‘Details’, scroll to ‘Collision’. (3) Set ‘can character step up on’ to ‘no’.

If I had this problem I would definitely look at the collision and ‘can character step up on’ seems very likely to me because your caracter does that literally.

That fixed my issue! Thanks for the quick reply and detailed steps. Unreal just has so many options and features, it’s quite easy to get overwhelmed.

By the way, this video also deals with the problem that you have.

(1) Go to ‘Movement Component’. (2) Search for step. (3) Change ‘Max Step Height’.

If I were you I would definitely follow the entire training, this is a very good training for making 2D game’s.

No problem, I’m glad I could help you:D

I was having a similar problem, but with falling down, and you just answered it without me even asking for it hahaha thanks again for the tip and for the tutorial series you linked, i’ll surely take a look into it