Epic Games Launcher won't load properly

Have used the Launcher and the engine itself plenty before, but I’m having a recent issue where when I attempt to access the launcher, at best I get the option around the border of the window to launch the engine, and at worst I just get the gray window with nothing loading in. Ran troubleshooting and it doesn’t seem to detect any obvious issues.

Curious what I need to do here to get it up and going. Should I be uninstalling the launcher and reinstall it, or is there something simpler I can do to fix this? Thanks.

Still need help with this guys. Can’t even access the project I’ve been working on till it’s fixed. Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated.

Bumping this. Still need an answer.

Can’t help with your launcher problem, but have you tried double clicking on your projects *.uproject file in explorer to load it in the editor?

Still looking for an answer on this. Do I need to uninstall the Launcher and reinstall it? As it is right now, when I try to start it I get the gray window with nothing visually loading in. A blue loading bar cycles at the bottom, though nothing ever happens. At the top-right I have my tools for closing, minimizing and so forth which all work fine. The mouse will change color and show the circular loading icon next to it for a fraction of a second and cycle back repeatedly a little more than once every second. If I scroll the mouse throughout the gray box it will change to reflect passing over links, though this makes nothing become visible and clicking doesn’t cause anything to change. This is a bit more of the visual feedback I’m seeing to hopefully give someone an idea. Any ideas at all would be appreciated, I really need to get back up and running on my project. Thanks!