Generate Project files in 4.22 does not add Intellisense include paths for .generated.h files

Generate Project files does not add Intellisense include paths for .generated.h files
VS gives error while compiling code.
Also, intellisence shows warning that #include cannot be opened/found

Please help

I know this problem is super annoying!

I’m terribly sorry that you are experiencing it. I just ran into it myself not that long ago. Here, try following this thread…

Or if you want my AnswerHub question for some additional details please visit this link.

Hopefully you’ll get this solved. I haven’t found an automated solution yet so consider my answer a temporary fix. Good luck friend!

Just want to add the same happens with VS 2019. This doesn’t happen with a source build though, maybe I am using a version where it’s fixed.

doesnt work for 4.22