[Request] add option to remove text "paused" in set pause blueprint

hi epic, can you pls add option in pause blueprint, to disable showing on top message “paused” on center of screen. thx

in source code, if you search for function:

you can add following line as first line in at top of function:


that should remove "paused’ message.

or if you want to be able to toggle this message for some reason, you can add another bool named “bTextVisible” to function parameters .h and .cpp:

in UGameplayStatics.CPP:

bool UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(UObject* WorldContextObject, bool bPaused, bool bTextVisible)

in UGameplayStatics.h:

static bool SetGamePaused(UObject* WorldContextObject, bool bPausedbool, bool bTextVisible);

Hey ,

We have this in our feature request database already, and developers are working towards a blueprint solution. In meantime, Omnicypher’s solution should work if you are using a code based project. Thanks for feedback!

thx to all for reply, i used blank project blueprint only , so i think i wait 4.5 and fix

There is now a blueprint node that removes text such as Paused (SuppressTransitionMessage) :

thank you very much!!!