Basic back button

Hello !
I’m very new to unreal engine and i have fallowed a tutorial to make the main menu of my game, exept in this tutorial there is no “return” or “back” button.
So i decided to try multiple things and i make it work but not very good, i explain :

This is my main menu, if i click “HOST” it’s going to this :

So if i click “BACK” then “JOIN” on the main menu, the screen will still show the “HOST” menu, but if click “JOIN” first, it won’t.

There is the “Minmenu” from the blueprint on the image :

Thanks you :d

nevermind, i changed the last “minmenu” to “openlevel minmenu”

Maybe change the “Z” order to 1. “0” means it will be drawn first and can end up having other widgets drawn over it. Also, try instead of creating a new widget, just use nodes like “Set Visibility” and hide or make visible the widget/menu you want to display.