Networking questions

Hello all I am currently working on a multiplayer game using a the client server model. Now I am not going to be using a dedicated server as I don’t have the cash for that. So does this mean when someone host the game they are acting as the server as well ? And also how many clients maximum should I have connected to them ?

Thanks for the help

to my knowlege yes the host is the server. if you think about it what other solution would there be since theres no dedicated server to host the game. as for the how many clients well thats a bit more complex of an issue. it really comes down to how much information needs to be exchanged between the host and clients, and whats the bandwidth of the host. for example if little information needs to be exchanged and the host has a good cable connection then you could have many clients. basically if you have too much information or poor hardware then you will need to limit clients.