Windows touch screen cause Error double touch

Windows touch screen cause error double touch. I use the print function to the button, once touched print twice. and the combobox can’t use. I want you help.thank you. My English is not good ,hope you can understand what I say.

If anyone comes across this. The solution I find for getting rid of a double touch/click is to change the click method in the button to precise click. It could work with just down as an click method but haven’t tried it. These are the options for clicks on buttons there’s also options for touch screen, button (controller/key), and click they have similar actions just different names.
/** Most buttons behave this way. */


  • Click will be triggered immediately on touch down, and touch will not be captured.


  • Inside a list, buttons can only be clicked with precise tap.
  • Moving the pointer will scroll the list.

I realize after that you also ask about combobox I’m not sure how to help there because combo box doesn’t show you the same click method in blueprint or slate so sorry there’s no help there.