Exponential Height Fog Light Build Issue: Random Point-Light Clouds

Hello everyone,

I’m having an issue with my lighting builds that involves interiors and exponential height fog. Basically, I have a building with exterior fog. Almost every light in the scene is static, with the exception of the moonlight (the only directional stationary light, casting volumetric shadows and with a dynamic shadow distance of 952). When I do light builds, even on production, some of my point lights create a weird glowing fog around them on the interior of the house that doesn’t happen to identical lights right beside them. This strange light even shows up in the reflection captures, and is definitely tied directly to the exponential height fog.

See the pic with these two lamps. They are the same lamp with the same light setup in the same room, under the same light importance volume. Yet look - the one on the right has a bizarre fog effect around it. This room is completely sealed off and, having made no changes to it, this wasn’t happening in my previous preview lighting builds. This fog effect is even visible in the reflection view, which is also bizarre.

In my previous preview build, this problem was heavily on the first floor in two areas, due to lightbulb point lights on the floor below. There are seven identical point lights but it was only doing this with two of them. Again - all the same lights, under all the same conditions, under the same volumes, in the same room, but only two had issues.

I have no idea what to do about this. I’ve been using the swarm coordinator and sharing the load over three computers. I’ve tried cleaning and validating every one beforehand and restarting them all - still have random point-light issues.

Production Build

Reflection View (Why is this showing in reflection view?)

Ex. Height Fog Disabled

… Any ideas? This is for a major project and I’d rather not just do light builds over and over until it just happens to work. It’s very frustrating because it’s so inconsistent. I was going to supply pics of my downstairs lights having this issue, but they just don’t now.

Hi again,

As I said: if I did another build, it might not be there. Indeed, I just did a quick preview build and:

Same room, same everything, all I did was do another render but this time as a preview. It’s not doing it now.

… The problem hasn’t returned. I have no explanation. It went away in my next builds for no apparent reason. I didn’t change any of it’s settings or alter my main directional light.