How to attach one static mesh with another rotating static mesh?

I want to move my bottle static mesh with the rotating static mesh ,means my bottle rotate along with the white mesh.


sorry, the question is how to attach actor blueprint with another rotating actor blueprint?

the answer depends on if your trying to attach them at runtime or in the editor.

if its at runtime then you simply need to use the attach to component or attach to actor node (shown below). then you need to set the rules for the various transform parts, keep world is usually a good one to use as something like keep relative may make your component move to unexpected (though logical) locations.

if your trying to attach them in the editor then thats even simpler. all you need to do in this case is to parent one to the other in the world outliner. so make you bottle a child of the moving platform.

as a sidenote you may need to set your bottle mesh to moveable. i didnt test this part but it would make sense in some ways and it should prevent a issue with baked shadows (possibly). these are just some ideas that popped in my head while writing this.

Thank you.