ARKit Passthrough Material crashes on IOS devices in 4.22

Using a material with ARKit Passthrough material node on static meshes will crash the application on IOS devices when the mesh is displayed on screen. Tested on iPhone 7 running IOS12 compiled with UE4.22 Development settings.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Create an AR Template Project

  2. Open the BP_Placeable Blueprint.

  3. Set the material of the static mesh to ARKitCameraMaterial found in the AppleARKit Content folder, or create a material that uses the ARKit Passthrough.

  4. Compile and run the application on an IOS device

  5. Start the AR Mode and tap the screen to place and object.

Did anyone manage to get this working on UE4.22?


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.


This issue is currently being tracked at: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-72741)

Anyone found a fix/work around to this for 4.22?

Awaiting the actual bug fix in 4.22.2 to come out.

This copntinuos to happen in the version 4.22.3