How to generate project files for ue4 c++ engine plugin class?

Hi all,

How do you generate files/add new classes to a ue4 c++ engine plugin?
I can’t seem to figure out how to do this in Visual Studio 2017…

Thank you for your time!

You need to create file manually (Dont do it in VS as by default it land to intermidiate directory), but dont be afraid it’s quite simple

-create header file in source directory where other header files are

-Include header file of parent class

-include *.generated.h


-Declere class right after it:

class USomething : public UParent {

-Make cpp file… but thats actully optional if you on just need to declere varables for blueprint for example

Thats it. Note that plugin is just different way of distributing C++ modules, if you really want to use class wizard, you can write your plugin as game project first and then move the code module to plug in. You just need to change default IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, ProjectName, "ProjectName" ); to full module class deceleration you typically do in plugin, you can even move your exiting plugin module. YOu add modules in uproject file same as you do in uplugin