Destroy actor

Hey there,

For this, you basically need to create a boolean variable and a condition (branch/if) before destroying your actor or hidding it. Yoru condition is, did this character talked to me?

Once you talk to this character, you cast to your actor blueprint, get the boolean you are using for this condition you’ve just created, and set it to true.

Then, back in your actor’s blueprint or you level blueprint depending on how you are doing things, you do the destroying logic.

I am creating a third person game and i have dialogue in widget blueprints only. I was wondering if i had to collect items how would i make it so they only got destroyed after speaking to a certain character. I dont want the to be destroyed just any time. Or how would i make it so these items start invisible and once spoken to character they are hidden in the world and then destroyed. Images would be helpful too. I am still a bit new at this