Inherited Shape Component

Hi everyone, Im trying to create a custom Capsule Component inherited from ShapeComponent. Im just clone CapsuleComponent in Engine code and change some variable. Everything’s ok except ShapeComponent::CreateShapeBodySetupIfNeeded();

It would seem that the method CreateShapeBodySetupIfNeeded() is not exposed, unless you want to implement it in Engine Source and rebuild it, you could copy what the function does.

Remove CreateShapeBodySetupIfNeeded<FKSphylElem>(); from UpdateBodySetup()

And sobstitute it with

if (ShapeBodySetup == nullptr || ShapeBodySetup->IsPendingKill())
		ShapeBodySetup = NewObject<UBodySetup>(this, NAME_None, RF_Transient);
		if (GUObjectArray.IsDisregardForGC(this))

		// If this component is in GC cluster, make sure we add the body setup to it to
		// if we got created outside of game thread, but got added to a cluster, 
		// we no longer need the Async flag
		if (ShapeBodySetup->HasAnyInternalFlags(EInternalObjectFlags::Async) && GUObjectClusters.GetObjectCluster(ShapeBodySetup))
		ShapeBodySetup->CollisionTraceFlag = CTF_UseSimpleAsComplex;

		ShapeBodySetup->bNeverNeedsCookedCollisionData = true;
		bUseArchetypeBodySetup = false;	//We're making our own body setup, so don't use the archetype's.

		//Update bodyinstance and shapes
		BodyInstance.BodySetup = ShapeBodySetup;
				FPhysicsCommand::ExecuteWrite(BodyInstance.GetActorReferenceWithWelding(), [this](const FPhysicsActorHandle& Actor)
                    TArray<FPhysicsShapeHandle> Shapes;

                    for(FPhysicsShapeHandle& Shape : Shapes)	//The reason we iterate is we may have multiple scenes and thus multiple shapes, but they are all pointing to the same geometry
                            //Update shape with the new body setup. Make sure to only update shapes owned by this body instance
                            	FPhysicsInterface::SetUserData(Shape, (void*)ShapeBodySetup->AggGeom.SphylElems[0].GetUserData());

It builds and it works as well for me.

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