Why won't my game build? Unknown Cook Failure

So I’ve been working on this game everyday for many months just to find out i can’t build it… ='(
I was hoping to build the game before a gamedev meeting tomorrow but that doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.
This is my first time building a project and all this looks extremely overwhelming and hopeless.
I’m not even sure what the best way to to present the information here.
I screenshot all the red portions. and pasted them into an image.
Please let me know what to do from here


-What I did so far
Open each level and run a map check
Right Click on the Contents folder in the Content Browser and select “fix up redirectors in folder”
Delete the Intermediate and Saved folders from the project folder
Re-Save the project

Anyone? even just how to fix some of them would help.

It look like you are trying to build the game, and convert blueprints to c++, try to disable the Blueprint Nativization Method and try to build the game again

This one? looks like it was already disabled

Some people on FB suggest to relocated the project/build onto the c drive, for the filename errors. And another suggested to turn off the plugins. It got some errors out. Here’s what it looks like now

The doesn’t exist files needed to be deleted in the directory. It was already deleted in UE4.

the unknown structure errors was a bug someone else had had. I just needed to resave the files.

Here’s whats left

I think you UE4ASP_HeroTPP_AnimBlueprint is the problem,you can try to remove it and try build the game

In your project settings under packaging, your not excluding any important directories / content / maps?

I tried deleting UE4ASP_HeroTPP_AnimBlueprint and it didn’t change anything. I’m still getting the same exact errors reffing to it as if it was still there. I even tried deleting the saved and intermediate folder again and rebuilding and got the same result

no I haven’t tried excluding anything

I think it is looking for a deleted class of the same name, but I’ve tried making a new cast nodes and deleting the old ones. I tried fixing up redirectors, I haven’t excluded anything from packaging, I even tried making a new project and transferred the contents folder over (both copying and pasting and migrating) hoping that would fix the redirectors, I tried deleting the AnimBP