Steam DLLs not found in built version

Here check out my post,

I’ve recently went through this process. Hope it helps

Im trying to get my steam integration setup and I have run into a problem with the steam DLLs. Everything is setup and working properly in editor (steam interface comes up with shift+tab), but when I build the game the dlls are not copied into the directory and as a result online subsystem steam fails to load.

When I try to copy the files over manually I get the same error. The filepath relative to my build folder that I have tried is Engine/Binaries/Thirdparty.

The relevant lines in the log are as follows:
[2014.08.26-02.10.52:400][ 0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam DLLs not present or failed to load!
[2014.08.26-02.10.52:400][ 0]LogOnline:Warning: Unable to load default OnlineSubsystem module Steam, using NULL interface
[2014.08.26-02.10.52:400][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘OnlineSubsystemNull’ not found - it’s StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately (unless I’m missing something). The answers in that thread pertain to getting steamworks working in the engine build. I have this working and can access steam features in editor but when I build the game the dlls don’t come along with it

Try setting bUsesSteam to true in your game’s Target.cs (class constructor is fine). If this doesn’t help, you can take a glance at GetFilesToDeployOrStage() in WinPlatform.Automation.cs and see what else may be missing.

Thanks, that did it!

Could the “bUsesSteam=true;” and “string SteamVersion = “Steamv131”;” steps please be added to the documentation?
They are required steps, but are not mentioned at all.

I had to trawl the forums/answer hub to find this out. Not a great method, especially if there are docs.

Just adding my voice that the documentation needs to be updated with this info! I also ran across this issue, had to fix steam version in my WinPlatform.Automation.cs.

I’ve updated Rama’s wiki tutorial with this info, but official docs still need updating.