Android AdMob won't show

Hi, I’m having an issue getting ads to show on my mobile app. I’ve gone through the steps to become a vendor on the Playstore, gotten my app signed, even have my app in beta testing on the play store. All is going really well except I cannot get any ads to show. Everywhere I’ve looked, its mentioned that android will show a ‘ad goes here’ or something like that to indicate that a banner was triggered, I don’t even get that.

When running the game on android (running ADB) I can play just fine and when the ad is triggered I get this string warnings in the output log.

LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 : LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘AndroidAdvertising’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 :
LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 : [2019.04.13-02.00.55:727][505]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘AndroidAdvertising’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 : LogAdvertising: Warning: Failed to find Advertising provider named AndroidAdvertising.
LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 :
LogPlayLevel: 04-12 19:00:55.727 14506 14530 D UE4 : [2019.04.13-02.00.55:727][505]LogAdvertising: Warning: Failed to find Advertising provider named AndroidAdvertising.

additionally, the project is in 4.20, all blueprints. There arnen’t any code plugins and I’ve avoided adding any code plugins or classes because historically it caused a number of compile issues.

If anyone has ANYTHING that might shed some light on this issue I would greatly appreciate it.

Greetings, this is Bansh Games I make an Admob plugin name Bansh Ads for Unreal Engine. It also includes Mediation for Unity ads, Meta, Vungle, etc. It includes a feature for rewarded video ads also. and it’s FREE. check out this link → Bansh Ads