Pickup item after event

I am working on a game in third person template. i want to talk to a character using widget blueprints and then i want to be able to only pick up items once finished speaking to that character. could someone please explain to me in simple terms of how to do this and which graphs and nodes to use?

it kind of depends on how your doing your pickup interaction. for a basic system where you have a interaction like overlap item, press a input key, key calls event in pickup, then you would just need to insert a check before running any script past the key input. so for example you would have: input event E → get bool variable (named CanBePickedUp?) → branch → if true execute pickup script, if false do nothing. then all you would need to do is to have your npc have a reference to the pickup item and set the variable to true once the player has talked to them. for this part i would either have a public variable in the npc or you could do that part in the level bp where references are easy to get.

i still dont understand have you got any images to help out

which part do you not understand? it would help me to explain if i know which part you dont get. it also would be good to know how your handling pickup interactions. it seems like you want someone to do the work for you and make you a step by step instruction on how to do it, even if i wanted to do that you didnt really give the information needed to accomplish such an endeavor.

the idea i presented was pretty simple broad use case example, but the main idea is you have a value either true or false (a Bool) stored in the pickup item. then when you go to pick up the item you check the state of the value, is it true? if yes then i am able to pick this thing up, if no then i cant pick it up so i dont do anything. its basic logic, like a choose your own adventure book (do you: go to crystal lake for the summer → if yes your gonna have a bad time → if no have a great summer and live a long time (friday the 13th reference)).

If the items have to exist before talking to the NPC you could always use an interface and have the interface set collision enabled once the conversation is over. (Assume default collision is disabled on the objects). If not you can always spawn in pickup items after the convo. If like ThompsonN13 is saying and you want to use “E” or some input to pick up the item a boolean would work great for that in front of a branch node that checks if the convo occurred or not. Many ways to skin a cat, screen shots of what you have so far would be helpful.