Editor Widget : communication

How to modify default variable value in blueprint class (GameInstance for example) from an editor widget ?

Try to have reference to an asset, but cast failed because i’m in editor (not play).

From what I can make out (the screen shot is very small), you are casting a “Load Asset” to a “Game Instance”. They are not the same type and that is why it fails. You need to use “Get Game Instance” node to cast to the game instance. If you need help with casting and references check out video #1 (Casting) and #25 (Creating References) to get an idea of what I mean.

Thanks for comment but i’m not in a “Widget class” but in an “Editor Widget” (new feature 4.22).
So the “GetGameInstance” can’t work because it doesn’t exist in editor (i’m not in play mode).
→ What I want is to modify variable inside an asset.

PS : you can show screenshot full size with right clic :wink:

Hmm, didn’t know they made a new widget type in 4.22… can’t help you there since I’m not familiar

up! please