UE 4.22 QuitGame node dosen't work on Android

UE 4.22 QuitGame node dosen’t work on Android.

It works on 4.21 version of UE.

Please fix this.


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I succeeded in using FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(false) in 4.22.3. If you need a blueprint node you’ll need to a create a blueprint library c++ class w/ the following function

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Game")
static void MyQuitGame(bool bForce)

and then you can use the MyQuitGame node in BP.

Force quit skips things like saving changes to the config and other teardown handling so generally you don’t want to force (though I use it when enforcing entitlement checks).

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You save my day, Sir! Thank you so much! :grin: