Clickable objects

You can convert the objects to blueprints and use interfaces to make them clickable:

The BP code in the object can then talk to you widget BP.

if the objects you need to be clicked are not on widget then you need to use LineTracing.

the following are required.
#1 : the object you need to be clicked should have collision. either in its mesh or a collision component attach to it
#2 : using linetrace you give an start and end and it returns you what it has collided on its path

there are several easy linetracing tutorial on youtube i recommend you to watch. here are two that i like

( I don’t think you need line tracing if you set the BP for player input, you can then use the ‘leftmouse’ event, no?.. )

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Hi, it is my first time using unreal engine and i am making a 3d quiz like game. the player needs to walk round and find objects, when they click an object a multiple choice question will appear. Once they have answered all questions then their final score will appear and the game will end. I cant figure out how to make the actor clickable and for the question widget to appear. Can anyone help? Thanks.

you are right in this matter. i found a tutorial on this as well

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