Simple Move To Location help

I tried it with my player pawn and it works, probably just me that didnt know because i’ve always used the set actor location which looks a lot more unnatural anyway how can i get the node “Simple Move To Location” node Screenshot - 2bee6d285a1b893a4a604d978fed2f8a - Gyazo

To work for clients as well. For the server it works fine and the clients see him moving perfectly but it doesnt work at all with the clients and i’ve tried server/multicast/owning client and no replication and they dont work for the client, they don’t move at all. if this doesnt work for clients for some reason what would be a good similar approach to achieve an effect like this. I know about just using the set actor location with lerp but that doesnt give you the same feel because the character just slides over to the spot while this one moves to it somewhat naturally.

I got the pawn reference via interaction and get its controller then i use the move to.
I dont have a special Player/ai controller and i’m not switching the possession or anything like that. Just in case those were asked of.

Here is a Gif of it:

Near 3 seconds is where the “move to” kicks in and it goes to a different camera.

I’m trying to achieve this type interaction movement:

Anyway thanks in advance

Bump Anyone?